What is Capstone?

Hannah Fales
2 min readSep 3, 2020


Hello everyone!

My name is Hannah Fales and I am a senior Interactive Deisgner at Maryville University. For those of you who don’t know what that major implies, interactive design focuses on how to take or graphic design skills and apply it to motion graphics as well applications or web design. This year I have been given the task of creating my very own capstone project. Some of you may ask.. What is capstone? Well I will tell you!

Capstone is one huge design project that all seniors must complete and display at the end of the semester. Capstone can essentially be whatever we want it to be as long as it fits the requirements. We must pick a topic that is broad enough for us to create 4–6 projects within it while also being specific enough that it speaks to a target audience. This could mean anything from a website design to motion graphics to even packaging design. Capstone is about creating one well-rounded product for an audience of our choice.

This is a big deal. It is about expressing how far you’ve come as a desinger from your four years at Maryville. It is about showing off what you are truly passionate about. Capstone is about what makes you different from all your other classmates. Everyone has something extraordinary to add to the world and Capstone is our chance to show it off. This will allow others to see what kind of business or field of work we would like to be a part of after graduation.

I personally have a great passion for animation. I love the idea of pairing visuals with motion to express abstract concepts. I specifically love telling stories through animation. I hope that my capstone reflects this as I begin designing. I will be updating my progress with this assignment right here on this account so stay tuned.

I am just as excited as you all are to see where this project takes me!

Cheers to doing the things you love.



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