Diversity App Step 8: Wireframe
Hey guys! Last time we spoke, I was analyzing possible issues the user would have while navigating through my design. By doing this, I was able to come up with solutions to those problems which made the user experience more understandable.
My idea is called Able. It is an app designed for kids such as middle schoolers. The user gets to interact with different characters while learning about the different disabilities each one has. Each character explains their disability but tell the user that this does not stop them from doing what they love. The character then asks the user if they would like to play an activity with them. The whole point of this game is to make the user feel more open and comfortable around other students with disabilities. No one should be treated differently because of what they can and can’t do.
Click here to see my wireframe!
It’s The Details That Count:
One decision that helped me make the user’s experience easier is the choice to make big tappable buttons throughout the app. This makes it easier for the user to see, read, and tap.
The homepage has instructions underneath the title explaining how to swipe through the characters and how to select one to play. This will make it simple and clear to the users on how to use the app.
When going through a character’s dialogue, audio of the character speaking will be playing while the text appears on the screen. This will allow a younger audience to use this app as well, a younger audience that may not be as good at reading.
The character’s dialogue will also have small text at the bottom lefthand corner that tells the user to tap to continue through the dialogue. This text will appear after 5 seconds so that the user reads the dialogue but understands how to navigate through it.
Each game will had a video demo that pops up to show the user how to reach the goal of the game. This video will play on loop until the user taps on the screen. Kids are normally visual learners so I thought this was the best way to explain each activity.