Capstone: Project Statement
Hello again!
I wanted to take this opportunity and shed a little more light on what exactly my project is and what it involves.
Hope you enjoy.
Project Statement/Intent
My capstone is an interactive app filled with animated shorts and activities designed for children ages 2–4. The purpose of this app is to provide a fun and effective way for kids to become more in touch with their own emotions as well as more aware of how others feel.
Project Description
I plan to create animated shorts within this app that kids can watch and then participate in activities that will help them reflect on the story and absorb the morals. This App would also have interactive stories where the child can help make decisions for the character along with other games that are designed to engage the user while also teaching them methods of controlling their
emotions and other social skills. This show will teach them the skills they’ll need to grow and develop as well as be a source of silliness and innocence.
Key Words
- Illustrative
- Interactive
- Animated
- Kids Show
- Emotions
- Education
- Light-hearted
- Wholesome
Primary Targets
I wish to target children between the ages of 2–4. These are very crucial years for a child. It is the time when they start to gain social skills and develop a better understanding of behavior.
I want my capstone to capture the attention of the young and playful, but also the sweet and shy. I believe my product will provide activities and storylines
that will satisfy both target types.
I also want this product to be something parents are engaged by. Parents are very involved with their children’s lives at this time and want to make sure their kids are ready for social settings such as school.
Above anything else, this is an app built for families. It gives the opportunity for parents to connect with their kids and listen to their thoughts and feelings. It is important for children to learn to reflect on what they watched or listened to. This will help them get a better understanding of morals which will lead to a more empathetic, patient, and generous lifestyle.
If you wish to learn more about my target types, click here.
Why Does this Matter to me?
I believe storybooks, tv shows, and movies have the potential to leave a huge impact on our lives, especially for children. They learn a lot of different skills from the characters they watch including how to deal with emotions. However, if they are not taught to pay attention to those aspects of stories, how will they learn? I believe it is important to teach kids how to acknowledge their emotions and find ways to calm down. They can accomplish this by learning to analyze the stories they watch.
I believe the world can be chaotic and stressful at times; however, I also believe it is full of love and hope. I want to give kids something they can use as guidance when they feel upset and entertainment when they feel happy. It is about providing kids strategic methods to use and core values to believe in so that later in life they can help themselves.
My capstone would include branding the animated series along with the app. In order to create an animated series, I have to think about character designs, scripts, and storyboards. I plan to create at least 2 animated shorts along with a walk through of the app design and its various activities. This idea also opens up the opportunity of creating merchandise like posters, coloring books, and shirts.
I am very excited about this idea and can’t wait to see how everything comes together. It will be a lot of work, but I look forward to finding out what I am truly capable of this semester.